Scientific Program
Abstract Submission
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The Department of the History of Medicine (University of Crete), the Laboratory Paul Broca – Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Biologique (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) and the Research Unit 5199 PACEACNRSUniversity of Bordeaux are organizing the 3rd International Conference on:

Biomedical Sciences and Methods in Archaeology
6-9 November 2014, Bordeaux, France

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This International and Interdisciplinary Conference, that is the third to be organized, after Herakleion and Ephesus Conferences, aims to highlight numerous new trends in bioarchaeology research that are made possible by the rapid development of current biomedical science and technology. These innovative approaches will shed new light on the mystery of human skeletal remains within their archaeological and historical contexts. Interesting debates on the use of bioarchaeological data as primary sources for the reconstruction of the past human populations lifestyles, including their health status, and on their contribution to the history of health and disease, are expected during this conference. Researchers and scholars in the fields of medicine, history of medicine, bioarchaeology, medical and molecular genetics, medical imaging, paleopathology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and related disciplines are invited to participate.

Conference Topics:

Abstract Submission:

Please, submit your oral communication or poster abstract to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Congress supported by:

  • Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
  • CNRS
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • LabEx des Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux
  • Fédération des Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux
  • UMR 5199 PACEA
  • with the help of CASDEN
  • CNRS LaScArBx Université de Bordeaux EPHE CASDEN PACEA